ast week we went to the seaside
for some late autumn sunshine, to
the Black Sea resort of Sozopol,
only a couple of hours from my
house in Bulgaria. Horizontal on a sun
lounger, reflecting on life, the universe
and everything else, my thoughts turned
to the thing that troubles me at the end
of every month. I was late with my copy
for this column. Again. Pondering what
I should write about, I idly took pictures
on my phone of the scene on the beach
immediately in front of me. People of all
shapes and sizes were wandering around
in varying states of undress and, I realised
as I shot away, that I wouldn’t dream of
doing this with a big SLR in my hands.
Discreet. That’s mobile photography for you.
I passed a very agreeable afternoon
taking pictures. And when I’d finished
shooting I lay there contentedly processing
my images, putting them through a variety
of different apps I’d been meaning to try out
and generally messing around with them.
I love some of the results and love the
fact that, yet again, they simply wouldn’t
exist had I not had my phone with me (the
Beloved Partner has some pretty firm rules
about carrying a big lumpy camera around
when I’m supposed to be off duty, which is
only fair enough).
Pictures one, two and three are some
of the results. All shot using Hipstamatic,
and all then processed again through other
apps. Pictures four, five and six all come
from one original image – see Top Tips.
Incidentally, apologies for all the square
pictures. It’s just that I’ve never really liked
them before now, probably something to
do with never having owned a Hasselblad.
Next month I promise I’ll stop it.
Whiling away a hard working day on a sun lounger, Tim Clinch discovers
that he doesn’t have to move to get great shots – life simply unravels
itself before his eyes, and he’s there just waiting to take pictures.
1 2
Try doing what I did in Sozopol. Find
yourself a nice spot: beach, city,
market, café or wherever. Somewhere
where you can stay still and watch the
world go by. Watch all the little cameos
of life unfurl before your eyes and
shoot. You don’t have to worry
about moving, let the subjects do
that for you. See what happens.
And when you’re done, get
another cup of coffee and put your
pictures through some different
apps to see what happens. Take the
picture of the man jogging. In version
four, it’s as shot, using Hipstamatic
with the Diego lens and the Uchitel 20
film (OK, not B&W, but clearly
monochrome). Version five is the
same picture with the border cropped
and processed in Alien Skin’s AltPhoto
app (alienskin.com), using the Tri-X Pan
filter, and version six has been
processed using the Dramatic Black
& White app by JixiPix (jixipix.com).
‘People of all shapes and sizes
were wandering around in
varying states of undress and,
I realised, as I shot away, that
I wouldn’t dream of doing this
with a big SLR in my hands.’
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