
(singke) #1

Born in Slovakia in 1966, Andrea
Ehrenreich became interested
in architecture and photography
as a child. She spent fi ve years
following the fi rst of these
passions at Slovak University
of Technology before moving
to Austria.
Having settled in Vienna,
Andrea began to take her
photography more seriously,
attending a photo school and
pursuing her love of alternative
processes. She continues to
use both architecture and
photography to express herself.
To see more of Andrea’s
work visit:


philosopher). These two words
perfectly encapsulate his
theory that everything is
constantly changing.

What, in your opinion, is the
greatest photographic discovery
of all time?
Instant film – it changed people’s
attitudes towards photography:
they suddenly became freer and
more creative. In this digital
age, I love using instant film
because it’s not perfect. I find
this unpredictability refreshing.
Unfortunately, Polaroid film
is not cheap these days and
I have to think carefully about
each picture.

What would you say to your
younger self?

Don’t believe what other people
say; trust your feelings.

Which characteristics do
you think you need to
become a photographer?
Aside from technical ability,
you need imagination, patience,
observational skills and the
courage to go your own way.

Tell us one thing that most
people don’t know about you.
I sold my first photograph when
I was 10 years old. It was a
picture of two dogs. The owner
ordered multiple copies, I think
he used them to publicise his
breeding business.

What is your dream project?
I have a fascination with

Eastern European architecture

  • especially Slovakian buildings

  • and I am currently working on
    a dream project that combines
    these two passions.

What single thing would improve
your photography?
More time would be useful:
I could use it to read the
manual that came with
my DSLR!

If you hadn’t become a
photographer, what would
you be doing right now?
My career as an architect
complements my photography
well, but I can imagine working
as a fashion designer – when
someone has their own style, they
make a strong creative statement.

‘Aside from technical ability, you need imagination, patience,

observational skills and the courage to go your own way.’

Lady in Black

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