If you are using stock images or images
taken at different times, the perspective on each
image may be different. You want to use images
that have similar visual perspectives. You don’t want
to use an aerial city shot with one taken from a low
angle, as the perspectives won’t match. You can
adjust perspectives that are slightly off by going to
Edit>Transform>Perspective. By clicking and
dragging on the corners, it will adjust the
perspective of the photo. There are several
perspective tutorials online for more detailed
information on this technique.
When you are working with landscapes,
use the natural lines to your advantage. Try masking
things in and out on the horizon. It is always a good
idea do to any cloning on a separate layer in case you
make a mistake. Use Curves adjustment layers
clipped to your layers to adjust the colour
temperature and exposure of each element so that
they blend with each other. You can also use Levels
adjustments to add shadows and highlights to make
sure they all match within the final image.
To get an idea of whether your concept is
going to work the way you have planned, you can do
a quick mock-up. For this step, take all of your
elements and place them in their intended places on
separate layers. It may be necessary to do some
quick masking so you can see layers underneath
each other. Try to line up the horizons of each image
if possible. Make sure you use a layer mask on each
layer. You don’t want to permanently erase
(^01) something you may need later.
When trying to pull off any photomanipulation, proper planning
is essential. Planning gives you a starting point. A simple sketch is all
you need. Having a sketch will allow you to explain your vision to your
talent or client and allow you to remember all your brainstorming ideas.
Think about the angle, the perspective, where the light is coming from,
and any other details you want to remember. It doesn’t have to be a
work of art. Once you have a concept, you can gather the elements for
your image.
By using a photo that already has signage,
you already have a template to place your billboard
images. Paste your image in a layer above the
underlying signage. Go to Edit>Transform>Distort.
Now you can place each corner of the image on top
of the corners of the underlying billboard. Be sure to
use portrait crops on tall billboards and landscape
crops on long billboards. If there happens to be a
curve around a corner, like this image, while still in
Transform mode, Ctrl/right-click and select Warp.
Warping will allow you to curve the edges where you
need to.
Progress 2: Masking and
Progress 3: Add light effects
Progress 1: Place your elements
You don’t want to use an
aerial city shot with one
taken from a low angle. The
perspectives won’t match