
(nextflipdebug2) #1


    The Match Color command (found in Image>
    Adjustments) is cited as a great tool for quickly
    bringing together different photos and giving them a
    consistent colour to form the basis of your painting.
    “This tool is very helpful to do a very fast rough colour
    correction of your images to match them. In the end,
    this is all you need because you will overpaint them
    anyway. This key tool helps me to create a solid and
    fast basis for my painting,” says Tony Andreas Rudolph.
    Jakub Skop (www.artstation.com/artist/
    jakubskop) is also a big fan of the Match Color
    command in his photobash projects: “The most
    important step is choosing pictures with a similar
    texture and fitting them together in terms of colours.
    All discrepancy between the colours can be managed
    by using the Match Color option. Curves and Color
    Balance come in handy as well. One of my favourite
    elements are all kind of fogs and smoke, which adds a
    lot to the overall atmosphere and mystery, but most of
    all it adds a lot of depth and helps to divide the picture
    into a fore-, mid- and background. I put a lot of effort
    into creating a proper atmosphere in my works
    through colour choices. Proper colour balance and
    lighting makes the image look like one whole.”

© Tony Andreas Rudolph

Changes in Hue, Saturation

and Contrast all come into
play in order to integrate the

different photo elements within
the painting
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