ow more than ever, everyone
needs antivirus software. To
determine the best AV solu-
tion, we tested three popular prod-
ucts: Norton AntiVirus 2004, McAfee
VirusScan 8.0, and the free version of
AVG Anti-Virus.
How does a totally free antivirus
choice stack up against two brick-and-
mortar stalwarts? Read on to find out.
Norton AntiVirus 2004
Norton is the gold standard for anti-
virus protection. The latest version
adds several useful features, and one
that’s outright annoying.
Like any good antivirus software,
Norton includes real-time virus
scanning. In addition to scanning
incoming e-mails and files you open
on your hard drive, Norton now scans
incoming instant messages in several
popular protocols.
We’ve yet to see any viruses
enter our PC through infected
instant messages, but judging by
the astounding pace of virus devel-
opment over the last three years,
it’s probably inevitable. Note that
Norton only protects the common
clients— AOL IM, MSN Messenger,
Windows Messenger, and Yahoo IM.
It doesn’t protect third-party clients
like Trillian or even ICQ.
Norton caught all our test viruses.
It also discovered and disabled several
different types of spyware, including
the Gator plug-in and the uber-
annoying CoolWebSearch program.
This warmed our hearts.
Norton automatically downloads
and installs program and virus defi-
nition updates without any human
input. The only time the program will
make its presence known is when a
virus is found, which is exactly what
we like to see in an antivirus program.
What we don’t want to see, how-
ever, is annoying product activation.
Norton claims you’ll be able to activate
several computers with each installa-
tion, which we corroborated. We were
able to activate the software on three
machines, and reinstalled hardware on
the machines with no adverse effects.
Still, we don’t like the idea of software
that must check in with the manufac-
turer before it works.
McAfee VirusScan 2004
The latest McAfee VirusScan adds sev-
eral much-needed features. E-mail
scanning, IM scanning, and spyware
detection are all new to the mix.
VirusScan detected all our test
viruses, but detected only one of the
spyware apps we installed on our test
machine. It disabled Gator , but left
the much more insidious
CoolWebSearch installed. Of course,
a definition update would make
VirusScan capable of detecting
and disabling the CoolWebSearch
Downloading and installing new
virus definitions and software updates
is reasonably unobtrusive. You can
configure the app to automatically
download new definitions. Each
boxed copy of VirusScan includes a
one-year subscription to virus updates.
Our main complaint with
VirusScan is that it often feels like
nothing more than an advertisement
for other McAfee apps. Every time
you start VirusScan , you’re presented
with a warning that your PC is only
partially protected from evildoers.
This leads into a promotion for the
McAfee firewall and anti-spam soft-
ware, which you’re made to believe
you need even if you have other fire-
wall and anti-spam software already
installed. That’s not cool!
AVG Anti-Virus
To give ourselves a point of compar-
ison, we also tested the free version of
AVG’s Anti-Virus software. It’s a com-
pelling alternative, especially for home
users. A commercial version is also
available, but we were more interested
in seeing what you sacrifice when
using a free antivirus program.
Anti-Virus managed to catch all our
test viruses, but it didn’t disable any
spyware. The app automatically down-
loads new virus updates from the net,
just like McAfee and Norton. It doesn’t
include any other bells or whistles,
but we don’t expect that from a free
product. We did expect a bunch of
ads, but surprisingly, the free antivirus
software actually has fewer ads than
McAfee VirusScan.
Anti-Virus does exactly what an AV
program should do. It keeps viruses off
your PC and doesn’t annoy you when
there are no virus-related problems.
Antivirus Altercation
Two commercial programs get beat by a free app! 4his is the first
sCreen you see
when you start
the hSeCurity
Indexv is only
a measure of
the MCAfee
installed, not
your PC’s
seCurity leVel.
We’re duly
impressed with
the free Version
of AVG Anti-
Virus. It does
eVerything that
more expensiVe
A6 produCts do,
but without any
Killing viruses is old hat, but getting rid of spyware
at the same time makes us grin.
Activation is a pain. Only one year of virus updates,
after which you’ll be haunted endlessly to renew.
$50, http://www.norton.com
Norton AntiVirus 2004
The software will adequately protect you.
Annoying ads and a poorly designed interface.
Only one year of virus updates, after which you’ll
be haunted endlessly to renew.
$50, http://www.mcafee.com
McAfee VirusScan 2004
Detected all test viruses, and did a full system scan
in the same time as the other apps. Plus, it’s free!
Doesn’t include any bells and whistles such as
spyware scanning, but it’s free!
Free, http://www.grisoft.com
AVG Anti-Virus