Artists Back to Basics - Issue 6 Volume 3 2016

(Kiana) #1
This easel can hold a canvas up to
85cm in height. Prime Art also have a
Small Table Box Easel if you are after
a smaller version of this product.
Displaying small artworks on equally
small easels can create an artistic
and decorative look. Prime Art have
three pine triangular Compact Table
Easels and one Beechwood Square
Table Easel/Bookstand that can fit
easily on shelves, mantelpieces and
coffee tables. The square option is also
suitable for books, and looks great in
a kitchen with a favourite cookbook
on display. There is also a smaller
H-Frame Table Easel option if you
require compact yet sturdy option. It
holds a canvas size up to 56cm and
has an adjustable centre beam to
hold your artwork securely in place.
If you are not sure what easel is
best for your needs, take a canvas
about the size you use to an art
store or ask to borrow one in stock.
Place it on various easels and ask
yourself the following questions:
Does the easel support the
size of the canvas? Do you
need to go larger/smaller?
Press the canvas with the same
force you would a brush. Is the
easel stable enough for you? Would
the stronger H-Frame Prime Art
Studio Easel be a better choice?
Are you after a table top easel?
The same process above applies
and you should check that the easel
will not side across the table under
the force of your brush/pencil.
How much room do you have a
home to store/use the easel? How
big will it be when folded down?
Do you sit or stand when you
paint? Does the easel allow you
to move the height of the canvas
to accommodate for this?
Do you like the angle of that the
canvas sits at? If not, an easel with an
adjustable angle such as the Prime Art
Workshop Easel could be the solution.
Are you buying for a child? Think
cheap and practical, with a minimum
of features that may pose a potential
threat to small children, such as the

Prime Art Student Studio Easel.
Are you a traveling artist? If yes,
then do you only take a small amount
of artist equipment with you? If you
do, then a Prime Art Sketch Box
Easel is a strong contender as it has
its own little case built in with the
easel. However, if you take a lot of
products on your painting treks then
you easel needs to be as light as
possible, like the Prime Art Van Gogh
Sketch Tripod Easel. If you are after
a separate case for your paints then
the Prime Art Carry Box has divided
compartments in a wooden briefcase-
style case with a soft carry handle.
Do you want just a lightweight
easel for display purposes only? Look
at the Prime Art Van Gogh Sketch
Tripod Easel. If it is too lightweight,
then check out the Prime Art Heavy
Duty Tripod Easel. The soft wood
grain and varnished Beechwood
finish of both easels is neutral
enough to fit in with any décor,
and both are reasonably priced.
So while the selection of easels
is vast, the best way to find the
perfect easel is to make an educated
purchase and put it to the test. A
good easel can be a once in a
lifetime purchase, and more paint
splattered and worn it becomes, the
better it looks because it shows a
little bits and pieces of your painting
history. In a few years your easel can
become a bit like an artwork itself.
All these easels are available at
stockists of Prime Art products. You
may also find that many of these
easels, particularly the larger versions,
require some form of assembly.
Although this may sound daunting,
bear in mind that the task is quite
simple if take your time and read the
instructions. As a general rule, the
larger the easel, the more assembly
may be required. If you’re not up to
the task then be sure to ask at your
place of purchase if they could put
it together for you. A small fee may
be involved but this may be worth
it depending upon the height your
level of assembly/patience skills! ■

Workshop Easel

Van Gogh

Medium Studio

Watercolour Easel

H-frame Table Easel

Buyer’s Guide
Free download pdf