Useful things tu learn
Lady Gaga:
lob of
adv._~ ice for
11 you wanted management and leadership advice,
who would you ask? An internationally successful businessman,
such as Richard Branson? A ma nagement expert, such as Roland
Berger? A successful investor, like Warren Buffett? A politicalleader,
like Desmond Tutu? Or an intcrnationally respecred spiritual leader,
such as the Dalai Lama? Each of these men would cerrainly have
some inreresring points to make. And, in fact, each of them has ap-
peared in our What I've Learned seetion. I n this issue, we turn ro a
very unusual and flamboyant woman for advice: the currem queen
of pop, Lady Gaga. Whcn I saw her in coneert in Munich a year
ago, rhe tickets COSt around €30. On her recent tour of Germany,
the top ticket price was more t han 100. So, the la d y is clearly no
stranger 10 the world o f business. "Every time you work with some-
one who's better t han you are, you become greater." she says. You
ean find the rest of her commenrs on page 60.
Is it useful to learn idioms in a foreign language?
Many language trainers are against spending a lot of time teaehing
idioms - particul:lTly if rheir l earners will mostly be eommllnicating
with other non-native speakers. Yet, for many learners, idioms are a
fascinaring part of language. Also, a good lInderstanding of idioms
ca n be essential in many business situations. Find o ut if you have a
good handle on idioms (ein gutes CeslJiir fiir Idioms haben) with
our special t est (page 12).
l an McM a5ter, editor-ln-ehie'
Contact: i. mcmaster@spotlight·verlag.de
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