Juxtapoz Art & Culture - April 2016_

(Tuis.) #1

(^88) | APRIL 2016
Does the imagery you produce come from a stream-of-
consciousness approach?
We have a big garden, and very often ideas come, who
knows how, while we’re gardening. You’re not very
concentrated on what you’re doing and your brain starts
to wander.
Do you spend all day drawing and laughing?
Almost! A good day is drawing-laughing-cooking-
gardening-drawing and then drinking red wine!
What is your ideal holiday?
Personally, I don’t like holidays because I don’t need it—I
prefer working. I am lucky to have the job I dreamed of as a
child. For Petra, it’s different. She loves holidays!
Do you consciously try to break images down to the most
basic forms?
Not really. Our first drawings were much more complicated
with a lot of lines. We used to draw with a very fine pencil,
but with time, our drawing style has become more and more
simple. Maybe in a few years, our drawings will become
hyper-minimalist and we will use just one line.
What kinds of things do you see that make you instantly
react and want to draw?
Plants and cats are very inspiring, but that sounds like an
answer from an old lady—which I’m not!
What is the most absurd thing you have seen this week?
It’s not the most absurd thing, but the strangest thing I saw
this week was in the garden: a lizard with two tails! I imagine
that a cat tried to catch him, he lost his tail, and then the tail
doubled. What will happen if a cat catches his tails again?!
Four tails? Speaking of cats, how did you make the
Midnight Juggernauts video? I picture you tossing cats
around the studio.
Yes, exactly; it was an intense day. We used six cats and an
owl to make the video. They were professional cats who
used to work in advertisements and they were very friendly.
We took special care with the very fat cat—we didn’t toss
him too high.
I saw an image called Cleo’s Drawing on your Tumblr—do
you have a child prodigy?
No, but she loves drawing. Cleo, our daughter, is five years
old, and every day, she sees her parents making drawings,
so naturally she wants to do the same. Her drawings are full
of details, and while she’s drawing, she’s building a story.
Would you make narrative films? Do you ever want to see
your characters talking?
Yes, we would, but only short narrative films. We made
some storyboards about the five senses called Le Club des
5 Sens. Every sense is a character; they spend the day in
the lounge, reading, smoking, drinking, collapsed on the
sofa doing nothing, and occasionally, somebody comes to
knock at the door and disturb them. Maybe one day you will
see them on your computer.
Vans 2016
Brand Campaign
right (top)
Everything Butt
Installation View
Ratio 3, San Francisco
right (bottom)
Ink on paper
43.5 x 2.5”

Free download pdf