Quilting Arts - February-March 2016_

(Grace) #1

  1. Once the fabric is dry, remove the masks
    and repeat steps 2–5, paying attention
    to the following notes:

  • Paint over THE ENTIRE piece of fabric,
    including the previously masked areas.

  • When placing the masks for the second
    time, be sure to overlap some of the
    previous layer’s masking to create more
    complex designs.

  1. When the second layer is dry, remove
    the masks and, if desired, repeat for a
    third layer.
    Note: The heat from the sun has set the
    paint, so there is no need to iron the fabric
    before washing it in cold water and using it
    in your next project.

sun prints
without the sun
Create sun prints indoors by following these

  • Set a dry iron to the cotton setting.

  • Place a piece of dry fabric on a fl at
    cookie sheet.

  • Paint the fabric with diluted paint. (2 parts
    water to 1 part paint)

  • Arrange masks on the painted fabric. Use
    only heat-safe materials.

  • Cover the fabric with a Tefl on pressing

  • Press the fabric, continually moving the iron,
    until dry—about 5 minutes.

  • If the air is dry, you will start to see results
    in under a minute. Humidity slows the

  • Be very careful when touching the cookie
    sheet—it will be very hot.

  • Add layers to the ironed print by repeating
    the above process once the previous layer
    is dry.

First layer, top; second layer, above

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