Trade-A-Boat — February 2018

(Amelia) #1
The AGB roadshow rolled back to the chilly
waters of Victoria for 2015, but this time to pretty
Lakes Entrance in East Gippsland. The locals
heard us coming and welcomed us with open
arms and fresh seafood (yep, it’s a tough job
The big change for 2015 was the introduction
of independent industry judges. For years
we’d relied on pulling together the full team,
including our New Zealand-based Trade-a-Boat
journos, but for 2015 new editor Tim van Duyl
thought it might be a good idea to get some
fresh eyes involved in the process. To this day,
neither he nor anyone around him knows how
we managed to score fishing royalty Peter Pakula

and local waterways authority David Talko-
Nicholas. Maybe it was the fresh seafood...
Regardless, the new kids on the block did well,
following the scoring template and imparting
their personal experience to the job.What
was most interesting, was how similar their
thoughts were to AGB ‘veteran’ judges John
Ford and Kevin Smith – could just be that real
quality remains evident? When it was all over,
the Sailfish S7 had monstered the competition,
pulling in an impressive 87.2/100, with young-
gun Jack Murphy appreciating the “immaculate
design and layout”. On the Haines Hunter,
David loved how “everything is there, it all
functions beautifully and is rock-solid quality.”



100 trade

Sailfish came close in 2014 with its Canyon Master. So, for
2015 the team listened, they made changes and came to
the party with a rig built to win. And win they did.
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