Yachts & Yachting — February 2018

(Tina Sui) #1


renchman François Gabart
has set a new solo round
the world record. Gabart
sailed back into France
almost exactly a year on
from fellow French sailor, omas
Coville who set the new solo round
the world record when he nished
his lap on 25 December 2016.
When Coville sailed back into
Ouessant a full eight days ahead of the
previous solo record, which had stood
since 2008, some questioned just how
long this seemingly unbeatable record
might stand. Now we have the answer;
less than a year!
Having set an incredible pace from his
start at the crack of dawn on 4 November
2017, for a time it looked as though
Gabart might even manage to beat the
outright round the world record of 40
days, 23 hours and 30 minutes set by
Francis Joyon and his crew last year.
Ultimately, however, Gabart’s return up
the Atlantic could not keep up with

Joyon’s pace. Nonetheless his new record
time of 42 days, 16 hours and 40 minutes

  • shaving over six days o Coville’s
    record time of 2016 – is very impressive.
    roughout the early part of Gabart’s
    lap he was slowly pulling ahead of
    Coville’s reference time (see table), but it
    was not until his crossing of the Pacic
    Ocean, and in particular the later half,
    that Gabart saw his lead increase
    dramatically. As he passed Tasmania

Gabart was 687 miles (or a little over a
day) ahead of Coville’s time, but by the
time he was rounding Cape Horn, this
has bloomed into a full 1,251 mile lead
(a little over two days).

To put into context the incredible pace
these soloists are achieving, many will

remember Ellen MacArthur’s incredible
record-setting journey round the planet
in 2005 on board her trimaran, B&Q
Castorama. at record lap prompted Sir
Robin Knox-Johnston to comment:
“When Francis Joyon beat the record [in
2004] he took three weeks o the old
time and that was mammoth. en I
thought that record would stand for
many, many years and now Ellen has
come in and broken it.” Her pace at the

nish was some 71 days – or around 29
days slower than Gabart’s latest record.
Gabart set the record sailing on board
the VPLP designed Ultim, Macif – his
long term sponsor who also backed his
winning Vendée Globe campaign in
2012-13. e 30m long trimaran was
launched in 2015 and with Gabart
aboard, sailing with Pascal Bidégorry,

Completing 27,850 miles in 42 days makes

his average sailed speed some 27.2 knots

10 Yachts & Yachting February 2018

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