Yachts & Yachting — February 2018

(Tina Sui) #1


Navigators have

become crucial

to Volvo Ocean

Race success.

ROB KOTHE talks to

top crews including

Jules Salter and

Simon ‘SiFi’ Fisher

to find out how


ight up to the 2011-12
edition of the Volvo Ocean
Race, the major element
of winning was boat and
sail design and reliability.
When the boats and sails became one
design the whole nature of the race
changed. is time, the pressure is on the
crews to deliver two things; positioning
on the racecourse and boat speed.
Now, in a four hour schedule, the
boats are being sailed so similarly
that you might get a gain of 0.8 or
even a whole nautical mile dierence
between the best sailed and the not so
well sailed boat. By comparison in the
Southern Ocean the position of the
boat in relation to fast moving fronts
can make an enormous dierence.
As a result of these changes,
the pressure is on the navigators
like never before to make the key
decisions on where the boat will be
in the water and ultimately where
it will be in the pecking order.

Joan Vila from the Spanish speedster
Mapfre, now in his h race, is rm
about the key to success. “e VOR
race is about preparation in every area
of the boat and good preparation is
probably 80-90 per cent of success. In
navigation it is probably 90 per cent too,
so preparing well for the leg is vital.
“e best knowledge on the leg, the
best local knowledge for the start and the
nish areas, but also the ocean currents,
the winds, the weather patterns and then
more precisely about the forecasts for the
start and rst days of the leg are all key.”
But with short stopovers, almost
ybys, in the case of Melbourne, four
days scheduled in the middle of 12,500
nautical miles of racing, with a host of
commitments for the crew on and o
the boat, the on board navigators now
need a dedicated team of shoreside
navigators, meteorologists, etc, to
ensure this preparation is done.
Simon ‘SiFi’ Fisher, the winning
navigator in the last race, back for his
h lap of the planet on Vestas 11th
Hour Racing, explains “is has to be
a team eort. We think ours is very
strong. Before each leg starts the team
ensures all leg data, waypoints, ice and JEN EDNEY/VOLVO OCEAN RACE

34 Yachts & Yachting February 2018

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