Yachts & Yachting — February 2018

(Tina Sui) #1

shipping exclusions zones are added and
checked, as is all soware and hardware.
“We have online and in house daily
meetings with Anderson Reggio, shore
side navigation support. omas Alsbirk

  • Vestas meteorologist, (Vestas, the
    windfarm experts, give us very high
    resolution models for departure and
    arrivals) and US based Chris Bedford –
    Vestas 11th Hour Racing meteorologist.
    “Each day we look at the weather that
    has been developing and we generally
    look at one or two important things
    expected on the leg in detail, and of
    course we look at local daily weather

ahead of an in-port race. Early on it’s
weather more generally, more from
a climatological perspective and we
get refreshed on what the leg will
hold. en as we get to the end of the
week, we have a much more detailed
analysis of the weather expected for
the start and the rst bit of the leg.”

On board the routine for the navigators
varies but the tools and data elements
are identical for each boat. All boats
receive the same Great Circle-Squid
navigation/routing soware packages

and data download package, from the
Volvo Ocean Race. Weather model
data comes in four times a day at 0600,
1200, 2000 and 0000. e European
model - considered by many to be
the most reliable - arrives twice daily
morning and night, the US Global
Forecast System data four times.
Location in the world does not aect
the UTC-based timing. So, it might be
dark at 1pm UTC or light at 1am UTC,
as it is now on the current leg to Asia.
Navigators can download data
when it’s needed, for the area needed.
It’s mainly GRIB les (basically, a
numerical weather forecast) from
several weather models but there
are satellite pictures and limited
amounts of sea temperature and wind
observations, for further detailed study.
e navigators download what
they choose, prepare routing, look at
what has changed, review strategies
so far and see what might need to
be changed and discuss that with
their skipper or watch captains.
e all-important position reports
are made available at 0700,1300,1900
and 0100 UTC. It’s no surprise then that
some gybing or tacking comes soon
aer these scheduled reports, because
they give the navigators a good check on
positions relative to the other boats in the

Joan Vila of
Mapfre analyses
the routing data
skipper, Charles
Caudrelier, and
Carolijn Brouwer
discuss weather
on deck

36 Yachts & Yachting February 2018

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