Yachts & Yachting — February 2018

(Tina Sui) #1


rom Moths to the America’s
Cup, from the A-Class
to the Vendée Globe via
the F101, GC32, Quant
23 and many others – the
sailing world is currently in the
middle of its greatest ever evolution
as, Darwin-style, boats emerge from
the sea and start sailing above it.
e good news is that foiling,
for so long the exclusive domain of
elite sailors, is now becoming more
accessible. Lower cost options are today
available to get people into foiling for
four rather than ve gure sums of


money and not all require Olympic-
level skills and tness. For these reasons
the RYA is backing this leading edge
of our sport by introducing brand
new foiling courses. ese will be
available at training centres across
the UK and abroad, from 2018.
To date, a signicant hurdle for new
sailors wishing to take up foiling has
been simply getting to try it. As Alan
Hillman, part of the team behind the
ying F101 trimaran, proprietor of
the Pro-Vela high performance sailing
school and author of forthcoming e
PAUL WYETH Foiling Dinghy Book maintains: “If you

February 2018 Yachts & Yachting 47

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