Yachting World — February 2018

(singke) #1


This device is set to change forever the way
we think about blocks. Instead of bearings
that are heavy, complex and expensive to
manufacture, the sheave rotates around the
Dyneema of the rope loop, which also forms
the soft attachment of the unit to the boat.
A key property of Dyneema is its slippery,
friction-free surface, which is why one of its
uses is as a chafe jacket for where halyards
exit a sheave at the masthead.
Even under load there is remarkable little
friction on the U-Block and the carbon frame
makes it extremely lightweight. It’s available
in four sizes, for ropes from 8-18mm and
maximum safe working loads of 1,000-4000kg.
Ropeye is an Estonian company that started
in 2010 by producing Dyneema loop padeyes
for race yachts from minis to IMOCA 60s. Its
products are now also distributed by Harken.
Price: U-Blocks start at €152.

Many readers will be familiar with the problems of soot
that can affect the reliability of onboard diesel heating
systems. The issue is that the flame temperature in
the burner is such that it burns with a yellow, sooty
flame. The solution is a hotter temperature – the Kabola
systems reach 1,500°C just 1/1000th of a second after
ignition and then burn with a clean blue flame that
produces no soot and reduces fuel consumption by
around 15 per cent.
Further innovations, including separate air and fuel
pumps, improve electrical efficiency by around 30 per
cent. Options include heat exchangers for the main
engine and generator cooling systems, which further
reduces the unit’s fuel consumption.
The hybrid model also uses a 240V electrical
supply (from shorepower or generator) to achieve
two benefits. The first is pre-heating to accelerate the
start-up process significantly, the second is to provide
background heat that will reduce the number of start/
stop cycles the diesel burner must go through to
maintain a constant temperature. The series is available
in seven sizes, from 7kW (suitable for boats of around
13m/43ft) up to units for superyachts.
Price: from €3,880 ex VAT. http://www.kabola.nl

This is a novel idea that combines the key features
of a foulweather jacket and salopettes with a drysuit.
It’s designed to be worn in two ways – either a regular
‘standby’ mode, where the upper neck seal element is
removed, or as a full drysuit with the neck seal zipped
in place.
In this sense it effectively blurs the distinction
between foulweather gear and traditional drysuits,
making it quick and easy to transition between the
two modes. Additions compared with regular drysuits
include jacket pockets, a collar, removable hood and
retro reflective tape.
Price: €1,119 http://www.dutchmint.eu

Ropeye U-block

Ocean Rodeo Sports Ignite Drysuit

Kabola KB

Ecoline heater

The friction-light U-Block
is available in four sizes
for ropes from 8-18mm

From ¤152

From ¤3,880 ex VAT


90 February 2018
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