Yachting USA — February 2018

(John Hannent) #1

Fairline Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay, MD
T: (410) 604 6000

Fairline Great Lakes
Seneca, IL
T: (815) 357 8666

Fairline Florida & Mexico
Fort Lauderdale, FL
T: (954) 866 1636

Fairline New York
Norwalk, CT
T: (203) 838 3210

Building Moments of

Complete Satisfaction

Meet the award-winning Targa 63 GTO at the
Miami Yacht Show 2 018 , February 1 5 -19.



Consider the sleek, elegant lines as they taper forward into a perfectly
honed profile. Consider the sense of power, expertly balanced with
grace and beauty. Consider the way she makes you feel, when you
meet her face-to-face.

As if debuting the beautiful Targa 63 GTO at this year’s Cannes Yachting
Festival wasn’t enough of a Golden Moment in our 50th Anniversary
year, our newest addition to the Fairline range has also won the
Award for Best Exterior Design at the World Yachts Trophies 2017.

All things considered, it is this sense of overwhelming satisfaction
and pride we look forward to sharing with future owners of the
Targa 63 GTO, as they set eyes on her for the very first time.

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