
(C. Jardin) #1

“Self-portraits are a record of what the act of looking looks like,”

she says. When she paints herself, she quickly discards the famil-

iar aspects of her face and instead focuses on the process of seeing

and transposing the forms into paint. “I am not thinking about

making a good painting,” says Kehoe. “I am not thinking very

much about composition; I am not thinking about getting a like-

ness or of fl attering myself. Painting a self-portrait is pure per-

ception. Somehow I am able to work boldly, simply and quickly,

in a way that is not typical of the way I paint a still life.”

PERSONAE OF THE ARTIST Kehoe’s paintings easily lend

themselves to discussions of their formal qualities. Th e artist’s

process and choices reveal a mysterious coolness and perhaps

ABOVE: Kehoe constructed SP with Hat
(oil on panel, 6x6) with a few well-
chosen broad blocks of color.

OPPOSITE: Kehoe formed the fl ower in
White Hydrangeas (oil on panel, 8x6)
with strong strokes of color, resulting
in a painting full of light.

44 artistsmagazine.com

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