Billboard - USA (2019-10-12)

(Antfer) #1

usually sings in, and from there we developed

my verse. Within minutes, he wrote his verse,

added a few details. I couldn’t believe it.

You also teased a collaboration with Billie

Eilish on social media earlier this year.

What can you share about it?

When I released “Malamente,” Billie was one

of the first huge artists who shared the video.

She has been there from the onset. Then, when

I was working with Frank Dukes in Los Ange-

les, Billie and I had a session together, totally

independent from her other projects. We wrote

with her at the piano. We created a great idea

for a song and had a great time.

“Aute Cuture,” which you released in May,

is another very different track for you — it

has the hand claps of flamenco but a lot of

pop elements, too.

Pablo asked me to work on some beats for a

big artist with him. When I started to write the

chords, it was so clear: The beat had to be mine!

I wrote the toplines a few weeks later while

I danced. It’s the first time I have done that,

where the movement inspired the toplines.

You have said that you learned to dance

before you learned to sing. What role does

movement usually have in your work and

your live show?

From 13 to 23, I only did music and left dance

to the side. I got used to singing sitting down

because that’s what happens in traditional

flamenco. But in this particular show, move-

ment is important. I made the choreography

with Charm La’Donna [who has worked with

Madonna and Britney Spears]. I wanted to

put her in the same room with Ana Nuñez, a

flamenco dancer from Barcelona whom I was

studying with at the time, and figure out how

we could create a live show that was inspired

by flamenco and also urban music.

How did you and Charm start working


The little money I had at the time I wanted to

put into the music and the live show, so I con-

tacted her through Instagram and said, “This

is what I can pay.” She said yes. This woman I

had never met came to Spain to work with me.

After about five days of rehearsals, my sister

and I asked her, “Honestly, how is it possible

that someone of your level came to us?” And

she said she felt God had told her she needed

to be there. It’s as if she had the intuition of

what could happen if we worked together.

Tell me about your spirituality.

I always pray, in my way, before taking the

stage. I feel we all have a task in life — a path, a

destiny. Before I perform, I try to connect with

my body. I give thanks for the possibility of

performing and sharing with others. I always

try to reconnect with that intention: to be at

the service of the music.




then a rising star in the tradition-bound world

of flamenco — sat on a stool and, accompa-

nied only by a guitarist, played an intimate

acoustic set at a Madrid festival. At the time,

she had attracted critics’ attention in Spain with her

independently released, Universal- distributed debut

album, Los Ángeles.

The festival audience was small, but it included

two big names in Latin music: singer-songwriter

Bebe and her superstar friend Juanes, who was

so impressed by Rosalía that he invited her to

perform with him in Madrid later that year. He was

far from her only fan: Rosalía was already talking

to labels including Universal and Sony, and Sony

Music Spain president José María Barbat was

especially enthralled.

“He called and said: ‘I have an artist who is going

to drive you crazy. Her name is Rosalía,’ ” recalls Afo

Verde, chairman/CEO of Sony Music Latin Iberia.

Verde didn’t see Rosalía in person until months later,

at the Latin Academy’s Person of the Year event in

November 2017. She participated in a tribute to Ale-

jandro Sanz (another prominent fan of hers), accom-

panied by a string orchestra playing an arrangement

Rosalía herself had commissioned.

That crowd was immediately smitten — a com-

mon reaction from the many artists and execs who

have observed Rosalía’s charisma up close and then

immediately lent their support, spurring her uncom-

monly fast rise. Juanes’ manager, Rebeca León, saw

Rosalía’s sound check for her Madrid performance

with Juanes and was struck by her self-assurance

both onstage and off as she worked with the concert

production staff (especially since at that point Rosalía

was unsigned and did not have management). A few

months later, she took her on as a client. “I didn’t

know what the hell she was going to do next,” recalls

León. “But I knew I wanted to know.”

By early 2018, Rosalía had recorded “Malamente”

as the first single for what would become her next

album, El Mal Querer. “She was very convinced

about these songs, even though they didn’t sound

like anything else out there,” says León. Rosalía was

close to signing with Sony Music Spain, but León

wanted her to release “Malamente” by May to make

Latin Grammy submission deadlines. She went to

YouTube’s global head of artist relations, Vivien

Lewit, who says she was “immediately mesmerized

by Rosalía’s voice and presence in her visuals.”

Lewit signed her “on the spot” to YouTube’s Foundry

international artist development program, providing

Rosalía with funding for the “Malamente” video,

along with tools to build a fan base on the platform.

(“Malamente” ultimately earned three Latin Gram-

my nominations and two wins.)

Just a month later, on June 15, Rosalía arranged

her own appearance at Barcelona’s Sonar (tradi-

tionally an EDM-centric festival), where Barbat and

his entire team watched her, entranced. “It was

like witnessing the apparition of the Virgin [Mary],”

he says today. “This artist took the flamenco and

music scene by storm.” He sent a video of the

performance to Verde, who in turn passed it to

Sony Music CEO Rob Stringer; he invited Rosalía

to perform at the company’s global convention in

New York that September.

“There was interest, frankly, from all our labels,”

says Jenifer Mallory, executive vp/GM for Columbia

Records. While Rosalía sang in Spanish, “we saw a

huge global opportunity. She represents a new face

of pop. Between Lizzo and Billie Eilish and the peo-

ple owning American culture right now ... there has

to be an edge, a uniqueness.” With multiple labels

interested, says León, “at some point, we just had to

make a decision. Columbia seemed to be the right

fit. They really understand the flamenco side of her,

and they’ve taken the time to immerse themselves

in that part of the culture.”

Ultimately, Columbia and Sony Music Latin

entered a joint venture to release El Mal Querer

in November 2018. León, meanwhile, connected

Rosalía with agent Samantha Kirby Yoh at WME,

who immediately booked her for major festivals in

2019, including Lollapalooza in Latin America and

Coachella in the United States.

“We have seen these [tipping-point] moments

before, but never quite like this,” says Mallory. “Peo-

ple feel ownership over her. The word-of-mouth

around this project is so powerful — it’s a quality

that artists would die for.” Indeed, Verde was at first

a bit worried by how fast things were moving for

Rosalía. In October, Sony had arranged a live show

in London “in a space that fit 1,000 to 1,500,” recalls

Verde. “The next day, they told me 1,500 people had

been left outside.”

When El Mal Querer came out last November,

it debuted at No. 1 on the Latin Pop Albums chart.

And though Rosalía has yet to score mainstream

success on the level of male contemporaries like

J Balvin and Ozuna (who have both collaborated

with her and, along with Bad Bunny, frequently

gush over her on Instagram), her label is treating

her as a global superstar and investing accordingly.

Her first solo shows in Spain arenas, scheduled for

December, sold out in hours. But she and her team

are keeping a relatively low profile — agreeing to

only select collabs and a limited number of shows

— as she prepares to record her second Columbia

album (and third overall). “We’re not going to rush,”

says Mallory. “We are investing in the long-term

future of Rosalía.” —L.C.

Rosalía (center) at

Coachella in Indio,

Calif., on April 19.




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