pretty comparable in price and you use far less oil paint
than its water-based friend! I feel like a bit of a geek now
when it comes to oil paints, and I get really excited when
a customer wants to switch to oil painting. I know what
they need and what they don’t when starting out, so they
come away with the right materials that are affordable and a
confidence to try out a new way of painting.
I haven’t used turpentine or mineral spirits for a long
time now because of its high toxicity, something I still try to
urge oil painting newbie’s against. Don’t ruin the beauty it
already is! Schmincke’s Medium W is a fantastic turpentine
substitute, it’s non-toxic, won’t break apart the natural oil
binder, and once mixed with paint, lets you use water to
thin your colours. Crazy awesome huh? I also use it for
wetting out areas before painting another layer to stop the
unevenness of sheen that occurs. It’s become a great multi-
purpose medium for me, and others alike. Using a vegetable
soap to clean your brushes is much easier too, for you and
your brushes.
‘The Powder Room.’ Oil on Panel. 1200 x 800mm.
’Fight or Flight.’ Oil on Oval Panel - 600 x 500mm.
Jamie Mackman
’Michael.’ Oil on Oval Panel - 600 x 500mm.
Finding what visually or
verbally stimulates you to stay
sane in a world that bears so much
beauty and consequently constant
destruction of that beauty.