©2016 Yanmar America Corporation.©2016 Yanmar America Corporation.
Dealer opportunities available.
Email [email protected] for more information.
Not just
down to earth.
One with the earth.
We each have our own unique relationship to the land. Some of
us tend to its creatures. Some of us rely on it for food. And some
of us just enjoy basking in its endlessly evolving beauty. What we
all share is a common dedication to the soil and a commitment
to put back into it more than we take out of it.
We’re excited to launch our new YT Series tractors. The YT Series
embodies our 100-year legacy of high-quality performance, advanced
engineering and sustainable operation. It’s our history put to work
serving your future.
We invite you to experience the entire tractor line
at your local Yanmar dealer.
Circle #65; see card pg 97
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