Build Green. Build Fast.
Build Right.
Completely customizable
High performance & net-zero
Fast & simple
Deltec Homes o ers three lines of prefabricated home kits, ranging from 300
to 2500+ square feet. Our outstanding materials and sustainable manufactur-
ing practices mean you’re getting a home that outperforms all others.
The Classic Deltecs are our fl agship custom round homes that have been
around since Deltec’s start in 1968. The Renew Collection is our high-perfor-
mance and net-zero line of homes that are pre-designed to use 2/3 less energy
than a typical home. The remaining 1/3 can be powered with renewable ener-
gy. The PreDesigned Collection consists of o -the-shelf home packages ready
to go straight to production saving you time and money. Contact us and we’ll
help fi nd the best fi t for you.
To discuss your project, call
800-642-2508 or visit
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