nly 30 years ago an off-grid
homestead’s photovoltaic (PV)
system was likely to consist of
two 35-watt modules and one or two car
batteries. Such a system had no inverter, as
reliable inverters were still years away. The
typical 12-volt system powered little more
than a few low-voltage lights, a car stereo,
and a few 12-volt products developed for
early RVs. But for power pioneers, this
kind of system was heaven-sent — a won-
derful alternative to kerosene lamps and
engine-powered generators.
The batteries used in early PV systems
weren’t designed for the deep discharges
common in home use, so they often failed
to hold charge after only a year or two.
As a result, early deep-cycle batteries for
homestead systems were adapted from
other uses. The most common batteries
were originally developed for golf carts, su-
permarket floor scrubbers, and mine cars.
Only a few people could afford to order
industrial-grade batteries directly from
Renewable energy systems should be
sized so that the total amount of daily
charging energy from all sources — PV,
wind, hydroelectric, or generator — ex-
ceeds a home’s total average daily load. The
role of the battery bank is to provide stored
energy between charging periods — noth-
ing more. When carefully planned and
executed, the batteries in a home pow-
er system will run everything in your
home — but “everything” will include far
less than in a typical mainstream home.
Living well on a small and finite amount
of electricity starts with careful adherence
to three basic principles: Shift inappropri-
ate loads to other forms of energy, reduce
waste through efficiency, and use power in
proportion to the amount available.
Efficient Use of Electricity
All forms of energy are not created
equal. Electricity is a specialized, high-
quality form that’s best suited to specific
By Allan Sindelar
This advice will help you choose the best battery
for backup energy on your off-grid homestead.
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