Heavy-Duty DIY
Our readers share clever projects that will help you live
a self-sufficient life in the country, the suburbs, or the city.
66 MOTHER EARTH NEWS December 2016/January 2017
Rabbit Tractor
I thought it’d be great to have a tractor for raising meat rabbits, just
like people do with their chickens. I started by gathering up recycled
supplies that I’d been saving for this purpose and then got to work.
1 For the top and bottom, build two 30-by-72-inch frames out of
1-by-4s. I salvaged my lumber from some large shipping pallets.
2 Attach the two frames together with 1-by-4-inch boards cut 30
inches long to form a box frame. I also put support boards across the
top and bottom to sturdy up the structure. (See photos, below.)
3 Cut some plywood to the cutting list specifications to form a
box at what will be the wheel end of the rabbit tractor. This will cre-
ate a safe place for the rabbits to seek protection from the elements
and sleep. To create a shade wall, cut another piece of plywood into a
23-by-28-inch rectangle to fasten to the opposite end of the tractor.
4 With staples, attach the 2-by-3-inch welded wire to the bottom
and cut it down so that it’s long enough to wrap up over the ends. Do
the same with the^1 ⁄ 2 -inch hardware cloth for each side.
5 Raise the end with the solid-walled box a few inches off the
ground and let it rest on blocks while you attach the wheel to the
front of the rabbit tractor, wheelbarrow-style. You could do the same
thing using two wheels, one on either side, for a wagon-style setup.
- 1-by-4s
- 1^1 ⁄ 4 -inch screws for wooden
frame - 1 sheet of plywood
-^3 ⁄ 4 -inch fencing staples - 2-by-3-inch welded wire mesh
for bottom (use 1-by-2-inch
welded wire if you’ll be raising
small bunnies)
-^1 ⁄ 2 -inch hardware cloth for
sides - 1 center-mounted wheel (2
wheels if using a side-by-side
design) - 2-by-2s for handles
- 3-inch screws for handles
- Lightweight sheet metal for roof
-^1 ⁄ 2 -inch screws to attach roof - Piano hinge
- Large knob
- Circular saw
- Hammer
- Battery-powered drill with
screwdriver tip - Wire-cutting pliers
- Tin snips
- Tape measure, straightedge,
- Two 23-by-28-inch ends
- One 19-by-27-inch floor
- Two 19-by-23-inch sides
- One 5-by-28-inch front lip
1-by-4s: - Six 29^1 ⁄ 2 -inch pieces
- Four 24-inch pieces
- Three 22^1 ⁄ 4 -inch pieces
- Two 4-by-4-inch pieces
2 3 4
7 8 9
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