Mother Earth News_December_2016_2017

(Barré) #1

Pitchfork Pulpit Pitchfork Pulpit

Many people wonder why the daily
move is so important. How about once a
week, or every few days? Having worked
with this for a lifetime, I can assure you
that the daily move is magic. First, it
keeps the animal on the highest, most
consistent, nutritional plane. Second,
it maximizes manure and urine appli-
cation. Third, it creates a high level of
disturbance for the shortest period of
time, which is good for the ecology of
the plants and the soil. Fourth, the ani-
mal enjoys a routine and builds not only
knowledge but trust in the system and in
you, the grazier.
Daily moves will also increase your
learning curve. If you’re moving once a
week, you’ll only learn at 52 pings per
year. But, if you move daily, you can
actually learn at 365 pings per year. In
actual practice, you’ll be gone once in a
while and will give your animals a pad-
dock big enough to last for a few days.
You’ll have some more-fertile areas and
other less-fertile areas, so you’ll have to
adjust the size of the paddocks to ac-
commodate the thickness and richness
of the sward in those particular spots.
Remember: The more often you move
the animal, the quicker you’ll master
this technique.
The choreography of this intricate
human-animal-ecology dance offers a
lifetime of nuanced discoveries. Today
is the best time to start!

Forage grows in an S-curve. You should time
grazing to coincide with the top of the “S.”

Joel Salatin raises salad-bar beef,
beyond-organic produce, and pastured
poultry and hogs on Polyface Farms in
Swoope, Virginia.

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p 72-75 Pitchfork.indd 75 10/11/16 3:33 PM
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