Mother Earth News_December_2016_2017

(Barré) #1

the fat and seed cakes until needed. They’re
great for giving chickens a boost in cold
weather too!
Theresa Sinclair
River Ridge Farm

... And How to Serve Your
Homemade Suet Cake
When my shower pouf goes all floppy, I don’t
throw it away. Instead, I wash all the soap
out of it, snip the tie holding it together, and
unwind yards of pretty, tube-shaped mesh

for hanging my homemade lard and birdseed
suet cakes. To create your own suet feeder
out of poufs no longer fit for the shower,
simply tie a knot in one end, insert a suet
bar, cut and tie the top, and attach a string
for hanging in a tree or on a feeder. During
the fall hunting season, I even hang them
around my tree stand. That way, even if I
don’t see any deer, I can enjoy watching all
the wild birds.
Susan Neal
Beaver Dams, New York

Chicken Waterer
Watering chickens is a dilemma if the owner
wants to go out of town for a few days, so
I came up with this backup system. I took
an 18-inch-long, 6-inch PVC pipe and cut
it in half lengthwise. This came in handy
because I have two coops, so I made two of
these systems. I glued end caps to either
end. Using a drill, I drilled a hole the size of
small trickle irrigation tubing through the top
of one end cap. I drilled another hole at the

Wheelchair Workstation
I’ve discovered that a discarded wheelchair makes the perfect base for a rolling work
table. This project is loaded with features: It rolls easily over rough ground, turns
in its own length, carries all the tools needed for the job, has brakes for working on
an incline, fits through doorways, keeps tools at a comfortable table height, and
provides a 2-by-2-foot work surface. My rolling workstation lends itself to many ap-
plications. You could customize yours for workshop or garden use or something else
entirely. Perhaps there are some MOTHER EARTH NEWS do-it-yourselfers who might
find the idea interesting!
Stephen Balazs
Panorama City, California
No purchase necessary. A purchase will not increase your chances of winning. Open to legal residents of the continental United States or Canada
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Enter the Brinsea Giveaway!

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digital 14 egg incubator.

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  • Fan-assisted airfl ow and ventilation control

convenience of automatic turning with the reassurance of digital alarms

  • Fully digital control of temperature with high and low alarms

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