Mother Earth News_December_2016_2017

(Barré) #1
90 Mother earth News December 2016/January 2017

Country Lore

old windows, doors, and scrap lumber for our
own “green” greenhouse.
Our first job was to find old windows and
doors. We searched local papers, asked
friends, and visited sites where houses were
being remodeled or demolished.
When we had what we thought would be
enough windows and old sliding glass doors
for our planned 10-by-10-foot greenhouse,
we laid out the windows in the yard like
a puzzle so that we could determine their
placement on each wall.
Construction began with us building the
frame and the support structure for the roof.
Then, we attached the windows and doors to
the frame. Finally, we painted and sealed the
entire structure.
It just so happened that we were having
our driveway widened (we always seem to
have two or three projects going at the same
time), so we used some of the extra gravel for
the floor of the greenhouse.
All the tables and work areas inside the
greenhouse are constructed from an old en-
tertainment center, and some planters were
made from canning jars and hose clamps.
Our greenhouse has already been a
money-saver, as we were able to purchase
a Japanese maple for $7 during an end-of-
season clearance sale. The Japanese maple
made it, alive and well, through the winter,
and we planted it in the yard this spring.
We’ve started peppers, lettuce, and tomatoes
from seed this year and have an herb garden
growing in the canning jars.
Gary and Gina Blocker
Oran, Missouri
Circle #34; see card pg 97

Circle #54; see card pg 97

Discarded windows and doors make up this
low-cost, one-of-a-kind greenhouse.
phone: 888-478-7333 fax: 888-768-3476
P.O. Box 60015 Ft. Myers, FL 33906

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