BlueWater Boats & Sportsfishing - June 01, 2018

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
With Australia’s Coalition
Government’s Marine
Park Plans adopted intact,
anglers will continue to
be able to access dream
fishing grounds in the Coral
Sea, where huge GTs and
dogtooth tuna abound.


News and events

affecting gamefishermen

10 -


Marine Parks

passed by


After countless meetings and intense
negotiations with successive governments
over the past 12 years, the Federal
Coalition Government’s most recent plan
for Australia’s network of marine parks
has finally been approved.
Although strongly opposed by
environmental groups that preferred
the previous Labor Government’s ‘Lock
Out’ policy, the Coalition’s Marine Park
Management Plan is generally considered
a great result by those whose livelihood
or recreation depends on access to our
offshore waters. For the first time, the
Federal Government had the full support
of all 11 crossbench senators.
The right to fish the waters of the
Coral Sea beyond the Great Barrier Reef
Marine Park was the most contentious
battle, demanding countless hours of
political lobbying from devoted volunteers
representing national and international
fishing organisations, the fishing tackle

After years of uncertainty and long drawn-
out discussions, Australia now has a network
of Marine Parks which acknowledges that
recreational fishing and conservation are
The disallowance motion moved by Labor’s
Senator Pratt was defeated 28 votes to 34.
This means the Marine Park management plans
tabled by the government in April will soon take
effect. We thank the members of the senate who
supported these plans.
This is a much better outcome for fishing, a much better outcome for the
community and a much better outcome for the environment. It means we still
have access to many of the iconic fishing locations in the Coral Sea and around
WA, including the Rottnest Trench and Geographe Bay.
The Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation will continue to work with the
Government and Parks Australia to develop the management plans soon.

  • Brett Cleary, Chairman
    Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation

After 12 long years of draining effort and debate by a multitude of organisations and
fishing associations, Australia’s federal government has finally passed reasonable
and workable plans for management and use of the nation’s Marine Parks.

trade, commercial fishers and other
user groups. Dan McCarthy, President
of the Cairns Professional Game Fishing
Association, became an independent
politician and devoted several years to
fighting the issue.
Dan said the past 12 years had been
particularly stressful and demanding for
many along the Reef, but felt that all user
groups had now scored a significant win
with a balanced and reasonable approach
to the management, use and protection
of our offshore waters.

On behalf of the Cairns Professional Game
Fishing Association, Dan congratulated
Senator Anne Ruston, Assistant Minister
for Agriculture and Water Resources
(responsible for fisheries), for undertaking
the mammoth task to deliver a workable
and fair result. He also gave praise to
Queensland Senator Fraser Anning and
South Australian Senator Rex Patrick,
who both spoke to the motion defending
our responsible access to our ocean

Australia’s Marine

Park Plans strike

the right balance

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