BlueWater Boats & Sportsfishing - June 01, 2018

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Newslines 15

trophy you must also submit a clear photo
of each release toBlueWater(preferably
also showing the angler), together with
details of the catch, which will be published
in the magazine. Please email your tagged
swordfish photos and details to: tim@ the subject line
‘Swordfish Tagging Award’.
In early April, Chris Cleaver’s boat
CleavEdgewas still in the lead with five
swordfish tagged since July last year.
Chris topped up his score with a sword
released for Seamus McCleave on his
home grounds off Sydney at the end of
March. Mason Paull and his son Daniel
onTerminatorwere in second place with
three swordfish tagged, estimated at 85,
180 and 200kg, all of which were released
off St Helens, Tasmania. George Lirantzis
and others had just started their swordfish
campaigns on the NSW/ Victorian border,
so it could be a tight contest for the trophy
in the lead-up to the end of June.
The NSW DPI Game Fish Tagging
Program issues tags free of charge and
works in close association with the NSW
Game Fishing Association, the Game
Fishing Association of Australia and ANSA.
The program is run using funds from the
NSW Recreational Fishing Trust. More than
455,000 fish have been tagged under the
program so far. If you would like to get
involved, please phone (02) 4424 7423 or
[email protected]

  • Phil Bolton and Mick Gamble
    NSW DPI Fisheries

To encourage the tag and
release of more swordfish,
BlueWaterhas donated this
bronze Bodo Muche swordfish
sculpture for the BlueWater
Swordfish Tagging Award, to be
presented to the Australian boat
tagging and releasing the most
swordfish between 1 July 2017
and 30 June 2018.

Seamus McCleave
taggedthis swordfish
on his first deep-drop
for the day while fishing
‘Browns Mountain’ off
Sydney aboard Chris
Cleaver’s boatCleavEdge
in early April.

Mason Paull and his son Daniel on
Terminatortagged three swordfish off
St Helens, Tasmania, in March and early
April. One of them was this 200kg bruiser.
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