BlueWater Boats & Sportsfishing - June 01, 2018

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1 83

Tournament News

This year’s Bluewater Tackle World Marlin Cup kicked off in
calm seas with 19 boats and 57 anglers. Most boats set off to
the Rottnest Trench, but a few found warm blue water with
yellowfin tuna and dolphinfish further to the north.
Boats at the Rottnest Trench also enjoyed dolphinfish, including a
7kg fish caught by Phil Volich. Shane Anderson and Sarah Coleman
onVanquish also had a brief encounter with a striped marlin.
Johnno Wroth’s Naturaliste also hooked a marlin on Saturday
afternoon, but broke off during an unfortuanate turn of events.
A striped marlin then teased them as they headed back inshore.
That evening, all teams gathered at the Rottnest Karma Lodge for
a wonderfull dinner.
Sunday dawned with lumpy seas, but the teams headed out to the
Trench or the deep water well beyond the FADs. Dave Thomson on
Azuratagged a striped marlin, but due to a non-competitor setting
the tag in the fish, it was ruled ineligible for the tournament.
The Marlin Cup wasn’t awarded this year, but Kevin Baker took
out the highest pointscoring tuna award and Brian Arnett the
highest pointscoring dolphinfish. Dave Thomson was awared a good
sportmasnship award.

Alliance T&R Tournament


With boats releasing up to 10 marlin per day during the week
prior, expectations ran high during the lead-up to the 29th annual
Alliance T&R Tournament at Bermagui in early March. Although
the fishing had slowed by the weekend, the reports were still good
and the weather was looking great, attracting 25 boats and nearly
100 anglers to fish the tournament.
It didn’t take long for Judy Sillis aboardMr Hooker to tag a
marlin shortly after the start of fishing on the first day. The action
was reasonably constant for them throughout the day, with the
team releasing four tagged marlin out of the tournament’s total
of 22 recorded for the day.
Sunday delivered good weather, but tough fishing. The marlin
were there, but they seemed reluctant to strike and there were
more stories of lost fish. In total there were 11 marlin tagged on
the second day, withEscapereleasing two of them.
Judy Sillis took out Champion Female Angler with five tagged
marlin, Paul Bakker aboardSwoopawon Champion Male Angler with
three marlin, Kai Gathercole won Champion Junior with one marlin
and Nicholas Gillam aboardSub Hunterwon Champion Angler Small
Fry with one bonito. Champion boat over 7.1m wasMr Hooker,and
Champion Boat under 7.1m wasBendanae. In total there were 37
fish tagged, comprising 33 marlin, three sharks and a bonito.
The Alliance T&R Tournament was originally created to promote
tag & release and bring together the four main clubs that conduct
tournaments at Bermagui. With next year being the event’s 30th
anniversary we are hoping to reconnect with many anglers that have
fished it previously, as well as those looking to fish the tournament
for the first time. To join in the fun or for more information, please
email Andy Fennessy [email protected]

Marlin Cup – Perth

The 25 boats
fishing the Alliance
T&R Tournament
at Bermagui
tagged 33 marlin
and three sharks.

The Perth Game Fishing Club’s
Marlin Cup tournament saw
a number of dolphinfish and
yellowfin caught, but the
marlin remained fickle.
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