
(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Contrary to what you might think, badgers
don’t hibernate. In fact, far from sleeping
through the winter, this is one of Meles meles’
busiest times of year. Janaury to March is
when most females (or sows) give birth to
their cubs – nine months after having mated
the previous spring. This might seem like a
long pregnancy, but sows have the ability to
suspend development of fertilised eggs, and
the real gestation period is only seven weeks.
A litter is usually formed of two or three
cubs, each of which is a mere 12cm long

(adult badgers typically measure 90cm and
weigh 10 to 12kg). Cubs don’t make their first
forays above ground until they are around
eight weeks old, but unless the weather is
severe, adults will continue to venture out to
forage. You’re unlikely to stumble across one –
not only are badgers nocturnal, they also
have an excellent sense of smell. But if you
stake out a sett before sunset and wait as the
light fades, there’s a chance you’ll get lucky.
A lure, in the form of a few peanuts, certainly
won’t go amiss either.

The cold months are a busy
time for Britain’s badgers, while
sparrowhawks (far left) can
provide doses of winter drama.
Previous page: the much-loved
avocet, symbol of the RSPB
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