
(backadmin) #1

>^ JULY 2017

[ 26 ]

› › HOW TO

Step Nine: Once the 3D planes are
positioned, go back to the 3D panel and
select Current View again. Then go to the
Properties panel, click on the View drop-
down menu, and choose Default Cam-
era. This will spin the camera around so
it’s perpendicular to the image.

Step 10: Now go down to the FOV set-
ting in the Properties panel and set it to
25 to get a slightly wider view of the 3D
layers. The 3D objects will appear to jump
back in space. It’s merely changing the
view based on the virtual lens change.

Step 10

Step Nine

Step 11: In the Options Bar, choose the
Slide the 3D Camera tool. Hold the Shift
key and then click-and-drag down to
move the camera closer to the 3D lay-
ers. Stop when the 3D backdrop image
fits in the frame. At this point the water
layer may need some position tweaks so
it fills the bottom of the frame. Just click
on the Water object in the 3D panel,
and use the widget like we did before to
adjust its position.

Step 12: Now let’s make some changes
to the surface behavior of the water
layer. Be aware that 3D reflections aren’t
visible until you initiate a render. So we’ll
go through the steps here in the 3D and
Properties panels, and then when we
render, you’ll magically see a reflection.
Start by selecting the Water Mat object
in the 3D panel. In the Properties panel,
set the Shine and Reflection to 75%,
and add just a touch of Roughness at
about 3%. That will do for now.
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