
(backadmin) #1
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Step Six: Grab the Dodge tool (O), and in the
Options Bar choose a soft round brush tip, set
the Range to Highlights, and lower the Exposure
to 10%. Begin working on dodging the high-
lights of the image. The tool works subtly so it
requires multiple strokes on the brightest parts
to really make the highlights shine!

Step Seven: Now press Shift-O to switch over
to the Burn tool, and use the Soft Round Brush
tip with Range set to Midtones and Exposure at
10%. Begin working on the shadow areas to
deepen them and create more contrast in the
image. If at any point you feel like the dodging or
burning has gotten away from you, then switch
to the regular Brush tool (B) and use 50% gray as
a paint color (click the Foreground color swatch,
set the color to #808080 at the bottom of the
Color Picker, and click OK) to use as an “eraser”
to remove the dodge-and-burn work.

Step Eight: Now add a Hue/Saturation adjust-
ment layer by clicking on the Hue/Saturation
icon, which is the first icon in the second row in
the Adjustments panel (Window>Adjustments).
Use the onscreen adjustment tool (that’s the icon
of a pointing hand with two small arrows next to
it in the Properties panel) to sample the skin area
of the model. The Properties panel reveals that
the tool is targeting the Reds. Click on the skin
tone and drag to the left to reduce the Satura-
tion to about –25. Then drag the Lightness slider
in the Properties panel to +15.

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