
(backadmin) #1
[ 67 ]

  1. Automatic Masks
    Use the Paste Into command to create
    an unlinked layer mask from a selection,
    making it easy to reposition the layer
    within the mask. Here’s an example:
    To create a mock-up of a website on
    a tablet, make a selection of the screen.
    Then make a selection of the graphic
    that you want to paste, and copy it
    (Command-C [PC: Ctrl-C]). Note: If
    the graphic is made up of multiple lay-
    ers, use Edit>Copy Merged to make a
    merged copy of all the visible layers.
    Switch to the tablet document with
    the active selection and choose Edit>
    Paste Special>Paste Into. This will create
    a new layer with a mask, and the layer
    and mask will be unlinked (so you can
    position and/or transform the photo
    within the mask).

Now, use Free Transform (Com-
mand-T [PC: Ctrl-T]) with the Command
(PC: Ctrl) key held down to transform
each corner so the photo fits the screen.
Press Enter.
Often we can add to the believ-
ability of projects like this by adding
some finishing touches—in this case,
a highlight. To add a highlight, add a
layer above the pasted image, and with
a large, soft-edged brush, paint with
white. Then hold the Option (PC: Alt)
key and click between the highlight
layer and pasted-image layer to create
a clipping mask and lower the opacity.

©Adobe Stock/Cristian Teichner

Quartet photo ©Larry Becker
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