Blue Water Sailing - June 2018

(Tina Meador) #1


although there swirls some doubt
around their effectiveness had they
ever been fired in anger.
There is a story that the Admi-
ral Graf Spee rounded Saint Helena
and was sighted on more than one
occasion, that the gunners were
itching to fire at her, but were for-
bidden in the knowledge that the
German pocket battleship could
shell the island in response while
remaining safely out of range.
Ladder Hill Fort provided an
excellent position for the defense
of James Bay and the town. How-

ever, the Germans never attacked
the island. Several similar guns
were originally installed, but were
moved to England in 1940 in re-
sponse to the imminent invasion
threat at home.
The High Knoll Fort is a
redoubt built by the East India
Company on the highest point on
the island, at an elevation of 1,900
feet; Its origins are in the very late
18 th century, intended to protect
against rear approaches to Ladder
Hill Fort.
The high ground is com-

manding. The original tower was
upgraded in the 19th century as an
expanded redoubt capable of hous-
ing the island’s entire population in
case of invasion. It was designed
to withstand a short siege, with
vegetable gardens and water wells

With the difficult logistics,
cruise ships and tourism have
not yet invaded this quiet, special
place, and the tyranny of distance
has kept the population living
in a maritime state that is now
consigned to history in most of
the world. When the new airport
starts to host flights in earnest, the
island will be quickly dragged into
the modern era, and for better or
worse, destined to never be the
same again.

New Zealanders Craig and Peter
Smith (son and father) are life-long
sailors, boat builders and voyag-
ers. They currently sail their large
aluminum sloop Kiwi Roa. Peter is
the inventor of the ROCNA anchor.
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