Boating New Zealand - July 2018

(Nora) #1

28 Boating New Zealand

monitoring gear – does that help in plotting the route?
“To a limited degree. he weather radar and satellite
imaging show an approaching low, but its position and,
more importantly, its depth, aren’t particularly precise.
And the weather forecasts – such as they are – aren’t
really reliable. Besides, the weather changes very quickly
down there.
“Judging the ice situation is a little more tricky. here
is no ice forecast – only satellite maps. So while you’re
seeing the ice ield in real time, you have to make your
own judgements about its movement and likely change
in direction.
“Even though we remained between the 60th and 70th
parallels – supposedly well clear of the ice, we still came
into contact with it. Icebergs aren’t the problem – they’re
easy to see and you can sail around them – or, indeed,
shelter behind them.
“But the growler ice – just on the surface – is much
more diicult to see and it’s very dangerous. On three
occasions we were semi-trapped in it, but fortunately
managed to sail free. Sailing through ice demands a
gently-does-it strategy – you push your way through.
Speed is not a good idea.”
he boat was also covered in ice from time-to-time.
“Even though her Dyneema sheets handle the cold

RIGHT Mariusz Koper (inset). “I like
challenges – and I love Antarctica.”
BELOW Icebergs are not really a
problem because you can see them

  • and sometimes you can shelter in
    their lee.

Judging the ice situation is a little more tricky.
There is no ice forecast – only satellite maps
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