tex shader programs: small programs that
can modify data at different points in the
3D pipeline. Readers familiar with previous
Maximum PC articles on 3D engines, listen
up: We told you that programmable shad-
ers could result in more than fancy-looking
water and waving grass!
It’s fairly obvious that realistic physics
modeling is one of the next major frontiers
in game design. Nearly every game avail-
able today—from first-person shooters to
real-time strategy games—uses some form
of physics engine. In making Doom 3 , id
Software chose to create its own, rather
than using a popular off-the-shelf physics
engine like Havoc or MathEngine.
Doom 3’s physics engine doesn’t push
the envelope in a big way—it doesn’t really
distinguish itself from middleware physics
engines—but it at least delivers everything
we’ve come to expect from Havoc-based
games, including ragdoll physics that
produce incredible dynamic death anima-
tions, realistic fire physics, and many of
the weapon effects. Note that the in-game
physics in Doom 3 —like most other games
that claim “real-physics”—are in fact
approximations of real-world physics cal-
culations. Don’t use Doom 3 to model your
senior thesis, physics students.
Can You Hear Me Now?
Doom 3’s sound engine has been the sub-
ject of much controversy. Unlike most
games’ sound systems, Doom 3 shuns the
Windows-only DirectSound API in favor of
a more general, host-based approach.
Performing all the 3D sound calculations
on the CPU offers several benefits: The
game isn’t hindered at all by the limitations
of DirectSound, and the developers can
programmatically modify in-game sounds.
In addition to creating a variety of sounds
for each type of object—some bullet
impacts have seven different sound varia-
tions—the engine can also modify sound
Our pal the spider looks
pretty good with a DirectX
8-level card, such as the
GeForce4 Ti. The only
difference between it and
the DX9-level spider is the
lower-resolution textures
required by the 128MB
The spider produced by
the DX7-level card—a
GeForce4 MX—is not a
pretty sight. His shadow
is very simple, and the
shadows don’t interact.
Note that there are no
shades of gray in his
shadow—the floor is
either entirely black or
its normal color.
Here, using the GeForce4
MX, the weaknesses of a
fixed-function pipeline card
are readily apparent. Look at
how blown-out the light on
the left wall is, and notice the
low-resolution textures on
the zombie’s back. Detail is
sacrificed to accommodate a
mere 64MB of video memory.
Using the GeForce4
Ti card, the zombie
looks almost the
same as with more
powerful DirectX
9 cards. However,
we had to turn
off antialiasing
to improve
In a laudable move, id programmed Doom 3 to run on
hardware that predates the millennium. We’re talking
GeForce3s here, people! This made us wonder: What’s
the trade-off in visual quality as you step down in GPU
technology? To answer the question, we ran Doom 3
on several different videocards.
But How Does It Look on My GeForce MX?
We show you how Doom 3 looks on a variety of videocards
For the purposes of our tests—to best demonstrate the
difference between videocards—we custom-built a basic
Doom 3 map with a few enemies and some dynamic lights.
This shot was taken at the High Quality setting on a
DirectX9-class nVidia GeForce 6800 Ultra card with 4x AA
turned on. Note the smooth, rounded shadow edges and the
different shades of dark inside the shadows.
DirectX 8
DirectX 7
DirectX 8
DirectX 7
DirectX 9