Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1

6 Jeremiah 21-36: A Translation

Then it went well for him

(^16) He prosecuted the case of the poor and needy
then it went well
Is not that knowing me?
-oracle of Yahweh
(^17) Indeed your eyes and your heart are on nothing
except your cut
and for shedding innocent blood
and for practicing oppression and running.

  1. A Non-lament for Jehoiakim (22:18-19)
    22 18 Therefore thus said Yahweh to Jehoiakim son of Josiah, king of Judah:
    They shall not lament for him
    'Woe, my brother!
    Woe sister!'
    They shall not lament for him
    'Woe lord!
    Woe his majesty!'

(^19) The burial of an ass he will be buried
dragged away and cast off
beyond the gates of Jerusalem.

  1. Lebanon South To Be Strangely Favored (22:20-23)
    22 20 Go up to Lebanon and scream
    and in the Bashan raise your voice!
    And scream from Abarim
    because all your lovers are broken

(^21) I spoke to you in your good times
you said, 'I will not listen'
This has been your way from your youth
that you have not listened to my voice
(^22) All your shepherds the wind shall shepherd
and your lovers into captivity shall go
Indeed then you will be ashamed and disgraced
from all your wickedness
(^23) You who dwell in Lebanon
you who are nested in the cedars
How you will be favored when pangs come upon you
pain like a woman in labor.

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