Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1
Jeremiah 21-36: A Translation

But of you I will not make a full end
Yes, I will correct you justly
but I will by no means leave you unpunished.
c) Your Blow ls Incurable (30:12-15)
30 12 For thus said Yahweh:
Your brokenness is desperate
your blow incurable

(^13) There is none to diagnose your case of a sore
a healing scar there is not for you
(^14) All your lovers have forgotten you
you, they care not about
For the blow of an enemy I have struck you
punishment of a cruel one
Because your iniquity was much
your sms were numerous
(^15) Why do you cry over your brokenness
your desperate pain?
Because your iniquity was much
your sms were numerous
I did these things to you.
d) But from Your Blows I Will Heal You (30:16-17)
30 16 Hereafter all who consume you shall be consumed
and all your foes-all of them-into captivity shall go
Those who plunder you shall be for plunder
and all who despoil you I will give for spoil
(^17) For I will bring up new flesh for you
and from your blows I will heal you
-oracle of Yahweh-
For they have called you an outcast:
'That Zion Whom No One Cares About'
e) Rebuilt City, Return to Joy (30:18-22)
30 18 Thus said Yahweh:
Look I will restore the fortunes of Jacob's tents
and on his dwellings I will have pity
A city shall be built on its tell
and a citadel on its rightful place shall sit
(^19) And from them thanksgiving shall go forth
and the sound of merrymakers

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