Jeremiah 21-36 A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary by (Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries)

(Marcin) #1

up" functions as a catchword in the context, and the adjective ~addfq, which
may mean "right" or "legitimate,'' is likely an indirect criticism of Zedekiah
(Lust 1994: 38). The name of Zedekiah is played upon in the new name given
to the messianic king, "Yahweh is our righteousness" (see Note for 23:6). Both
here ::md in 23:5, T gives the prophecy a messianic interpretation ("I will raise
for David an Anointed One [ = Messiah J of righteousness"). But COL, Theod,
and Symm support MT with anatolen ("Shoot").

  1. In those days. In 23:6 it is "in his days,'' i.e., in the days of the future
    Davidic king.
    and Jerusalem will dwell in security. A change from "Israel will dwell in secu-
    rity" in 23:6. The oracle here makes the Davidic promise apply to Jerusalem.
    And this is what one will call her: 'Yahweh is our righteousness.' The name
    "Yahweh is our righteousness" applies here to Jerusalem. In 23:6 it applies to
    the future Davidic king. A few MSS and S add "his name"; COL, Theod, and
    Vg add "the name"; and T adds "her name" after the initial "and this,"
    which reflects "and this is his name" in 23:6. If the text originally contained
    "her name" (semah), its loss in MT could be explained by haplography (ho-
    moeoteleuton: h ... h). In Isa 1:26, Jerusalem is said to become "the city of
    righteousness," and the closing verse to the book of Ezekiel says that the
    name of Jerusalem in future days will be "Yahweh is there," yhwh samma
    (Ezek 48:35).


Yahweh in this oracle says the days are coming when lie will co11fin11 good
things spoken earlier to Israel and Judah. He will make sprout for David a
Shoot of righteousness, one who will do justice and righteousness as kings are
supposed to do. In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will be secure.
In fact, the city will be named "Yahweh is our righteousness."
When this oracle is heard in tandem with the two prior oracles, the focus
will narrow from Israel and Judah, who are mentioned in the introduction, to
Judah and Jerusalem-particularly the latter. Jerusalem is now presented with
a new name: "Yahweh is our righteousness." The present oracle also begins a
concluding cluster of oracles that supplement the oracles in vv 4-13. The ora-
cles in vv 4-13 refer to the nation and its people in general; the oracles in
vv 14-26 refer to royal and priestly offices in particular (Cheyne).

5. Davidic and Levitical Lines to Continue (33:17-18)

33 17 For thus said Yahweh:
There shall not be cut off for David a man who sits upon the throne of the
house of Israel.^18 And for the Levitical priests, there shall not be cut off a
man from before me who brings up the burnt offering and who burns the
cereal offering and who makes sacrifice-all the days.
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