How To Be An Agnostic

(coco) #1
Further Reading and References

Michael Atiyah deployed his metaphor of the Faustian pact in a lecture
given in 2000 entitled ‘Mathematics in the Twentieth Century’. It
has been reproduced in Mathematical Association of America Monthly,
August–September 2001.
Happiness:Lessons from a New Science, by Richard Layard, is published by
Allen Lane (2005).
Mill’s comments are in his autobiography published as Autobiography by
Penguin Classics (2006). His thoughts on happiness come in Chapter
V ‘A Crisis in My Mental History. One Stage Onward’.
I’ve written about happiness more fully in my book Wellbeing published
by Acumen (2008).
I interviewed Chris Frith in 2010.
The Nature article is by John Bolhius and Clive Wynne in Nature 458,
832–3; 2009.
Dishonest to God by Mary Warnock is published by Continuum (2010).
An example of the distinction between zoe ̄ and bios is deployed by
Aristotle in his Politics, see 1252b30.
For more on virtue ethics see my Ethics for the Curious published by
Hodder Education (2010).
Simone Weil’s idea of gravity and grace is in Gravity and Grace published
by Routledge (2002).
Rowan Williams made his comments during a speech in Leicester
Cathedral, entitled Faith in the Public Square, in 2009.
The quote from Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics is at 1177b33.
The Essential Mary Midgley, edited by David Midgley, is published
by Routledge (2005) and provides an excellent survey of her work.
See ‘Salvation and the Academics’, pages 228–38, for her refl ections
on DNA.
Dominique Janicaud’s On the Human Condition is published by Routledge
(2002), see pages 54–8.
Michel Foucault’s comments, along with many others on religion, are
usefully gathered in Religion and Culture, edited by Jeremy Carrette
and published by Routledge (1999).

4. Socrates or Buddha? On Being Spiritual But Not


The Making and Breaking of Affectional Bonds by John Bowlby published by
Routledge (1989) is one place where he discusses his attachment theory,
particularly the last chapter which has the eponymous title.
Jung’s essay ‘The Spiritual Problem of Modern Man’ is published in Modern
Man In Search of A Soul, published by Routledge & Kegan Paul (1933).

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