How To Be An Agnostic

(coco) #1

Further Reading and References

I discussed these matters with Gordon Lynch. One book where he
examines the nature of ‘progressive spirituality’ is New Spirituality: An
Introduction to Belief Beyond Religion published by I.B. Tauris (2007).
John Polkinghorne has written about his views in numerous books.
I interviewed him in 2008.
The Beginning of All Things: Science and Religion by Hans Küng is pub-
lished by William B Eerdmans Publishing Co. (2008).
David Attenborough made his comments to the press when Life in the
Undergrowth was launched.
Thomas Traherne’s thoughts on fl ies and celestial strangers are in
the excellent anthology Thomas Traherne Poetry and Prose, selected
and introduced by Denise Inge, published by SPCK (2002), pages
Simon Conway Morris has explored his ideas in Life’s Solution: Inevitable
Humans in a Lonely Universe published by Cambridge University Press
(2008). I also interviewed him in 2008.
Reinventing the Sacred by Stuart Kauffman is published by Basic (2010).
The Philosophy of Science: A Very Short Introduction, by Samir Okasha,
published by Oxford University Press (2002), does what it says on the
Thomas Kuhn’s revolutionary ideas are in his 1963 book The Structure of
Scientifi c Revolutions (University of Chicago Press).
Karl Popper’s revolutionary ideas are in his 1959 book The Logic of
Scientifi c Discovery (Hutchinson).
A very useful summary of issues in the philosophy of science comes
from a discussion Brian Magee had with Hilary Putnam, reproduced
in Talking Philosophy, published by Oxford University Press (1978),
Chapter 12, from which the Putnam quotes are taken.
Walter Isaacson’s biography of Einstein is Einstein: His Life and Universe,
published by Pocket Books (2008). It includes a chapter discussing his
religious beliefs, Chapter 17 ‘Einstein’s God’. His relevant writings and
thoughts are also gathered at, including
these quotes.

3. How To Be Human: Science and Ethics

All that remains of the writings of the pre-Socratic philosophers are in
Early Greek Philosophy, published by Penguin Classics (2001), with
introductory material by Jonathan Barnes. Empedocles’ ‘Twofold Tale’
is on pages 120–2.
Plato has Socrates tell of his change from natural science to philosophy
beginning at Phaedo 96a.

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