Biography of a Yogi Paramahansa Yogananda and the Origins of Modern Yoga

(Tina Sui) #1
236 Index

A Search In Secret India (1934), 89, 156
Self- Realization Fellowship (SRF), 18
and the Ananda Church of Self
Realization, 142
and āsana, 129– 130, 142– 143, 207n8
and Autobiography of a Yogi, 90,
158– 159
and Dhirananda, 110– 112
and Hamid Bey, 116
and institutionalization, 120– 123
and Kriya Yoga, 125, 133, 135– 136,
141, 145
publications by, 95, 124
and Roman Ostoja, 119
sexuality, 16– 17, 48, 52– 54, 106, 109,
111, 128, 184, 204n23
siddha, 25, 26, 171, 175
siddhis, 11, 24, 61, 192n8, 201n17.
See also superpower(s)
Siegel, Lee, 6, 8
Sinclair, Upton, 84, 116, 200n71,
Singleton, Mark, 4, 5, 58, 129, 130, 139,
140, 143, 148
Śiva, 16, 26
Sloan, Mersene Elon, 54
Society For Psychical Research
(SPR), 73, 74
Sohong Swami. See Tiger Swami
Spiritualism, 9
and metaphysical religion, 10, 53,
57, 59, 81
and the role of the medium, 67– 70
and science, 64
and stage magic, 32– 33
and Theosophy, 73, 75– 76
and Upton Sinclair, 116
and women, 55, 107, 130
and Yogananda, 98, 172, 199n33
Sri Nerode. See Chowdhury,
Nirad Ranjan

Sri Yukteswar, Swami, 19, 93– 95,
201n7, 209n46
as guru of Yogananda, 100– 102, 105,
121– 123, 155, 157, 162– 170
and institutionalization, 120– 121
and Kriya Yoga, 133, 136, 142
and magnetism, 84
and metaphysics, 171– 177
and superpowers, 112, 159
and Theosophy, 74
stage magic, 2, 32, 33, 78, 113, 115, 161
subtle body, 62, 72, 77, 86, 171,
174, 208n40
and Autobiography of a Yogi, 175– 177
Bikram Choudhury as, 184– 189
Mahatmas as, 72
as product of evolution, 58
as religious goal, 151
Yogananda as, 90, 124
Yogi as, 3– 4, 6– 18, 31, 82, 125,
178– 179
and Yogoda, 146– 147, 150– 151
superman, 4, 11, 48, 58, 82, 153, 178,
180, 187, 190
superpower(s), 11. See also siddhis
and Abhedananda, 127, 131
and Autobiography of a Yogi, 156,
159–163, 165, 171– 172, 177
in colonial India, 31
and as mental, 34, 36
and metaphysics, 57
and popular culture, 186, 190, 211n21
of pre- modern Yogis, 6, 8, 22– 26, 28
and Sri Yogendra, 127
and Vivekananda, 57, 76, 81
and the Yoga Sūtras, 21
and Yogananda, 86– 87, 90, 95– 96,
112– 113, 119, 123, 146, 153,
178– 179
and Yogananda’s lineage, 92– 94
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