
(Sean Pound) #1


february/march 2019



your practice

Stretch your hamstrings and open your hip fl exors

with theseprep posesfor rdha Chandr Chapasana.

Warms up your hips and hamstrings to prepare
you for the deeper intensity of Ardha Chandra
Chapasana, our final pose

Take a wide stance with your feet parallel to
one another. Turn your left foot out 90 degrees,
making sure your feet are lined up, left heel to
right arch. Place your left fingertips to the floor
on the outside of your left foot, and extend
your right arm over your head. (Alternatively,
place your left forearm on your left thigh.) Keep
the weight balanced between your front and
back legs as you breathe and elongate all parts
of your body. Hold for 3–5 breaths. Repeat on
the other side.

Utthita Parsvakonasana
Extended Side Angle Pose

Opens and warms your hip flexors and quadriceps to
prepare them for the bow in the final pose

Lie on your tummy and prop yourself up on your
elbows. Bend your left knee, and reach back with your
left hand to grab the inside of your foot. Depending on
your upper-body flexibility, either stay here and pull

Ardha Bhekasana Half Frog Pose

your foot closer to your outer hip to stretch the front of your leg,
or try slowly rotating your elbow toward the ceiling as your
fingers slide over the top of your foot, so the base of your palm is
pressing the top of your foot. Be sure to keep your knee in line
with your hip. To increase the stretch, maintain a natural curve in
your lower back while drawing your buttocks down. Be sure not
to push your foot too hard if it hurts your knee. Hold for 3–5
breaths. Repeat on the other side. Steady your balance and stay
open to possibilities as you move.
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