
(Sean Pound) #1


february/march 2019


Side bends and spirals

a 90/90 kneeling position (each knee forms a 90-degree angle). Step your right foot
d so it’s below your right knee; rest your left knee on the mat below your left hip.
our left shin and the top of your left foot on the mat. Reach your arms out from your
o just-below-shoulder level. Elongate your spine and lift up from your pubic bone. On
lation, initiate a side bend to your right side. Reach your left arm overhead and lift
our left ear. You are actively lengthening and strengthening the muscles on your left
at hold you in lateral flexion, including your obliques and quadratus lumborum.
your left hip, you actively lengthen your hip flexors. On your inhalation, breathe
into the left side of your rib cage; sense the expansion. On your exhalation, engage
elvic floor and lower abdominal muscles, increasing the lift in your pelvis to lengthen
wer back and intensify the hip-flexor stretch. Maintain the position for 4–10 slow, full
s. Then lower your left arm and center your upper body.

In the kneeling position, take both arms
on, press your right
your knee extend and
eep your spine centered

and long as you fold your upper body forward,
and lower your arms to shoulder level. By
letting your hip flex, you allow the fascia in front
of your hip joint to soften. When you exhale,
raise your arms overhead and lift into an upright
position. Repeat the movement slowly 4–8 times.

0 side stretch, place your left hand on the floor (or a block) in line with your
nd is firmly grounded, shift your pelvis directly over your left knee and reach
r head. Your spine is long in lateral flexion. Keep your head in line with your

inst the floor and firmly stabilize your shoulder by spiraling the head of your

. Imagine that your arm is a strong pillar over which you can drape your
er out with your right arm to increase the stretch in your latissimus dorsi,
stals (muscles between your ribs), spine extensors, and abdominals. On
es and fascia in your rib cage and waistline soften.

Use these exercises to experience a different kind of strength and ease in your body.

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