Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1

By publishing this book, we hope to amass a mass of perfect scores for our


having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about someone or something
Amber was ambivalent about giving up chocolate for Lent.


to improve a bad situation
Amelia rated her social life as having been ameliorated since last year.


peaceful relations; friendship
Note: The root “ami-” means “friend,” as in “amiable.”
There was amity between the students at M.I.T. and their math professors.


Note: This word is decodable if you know all the pieces:

If you take too much morphine, you’ll feel like an amorphous blob.


hatred; aversion; dislike
Note: This word is also decodable:

By this time you should be developing a strong antipathy to studying these
words and their ridiculous definitions. Take a break. Put the book down and get a

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