Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1


Note: The best way to learn this word is to learn the root mut, which means
“change.” Then you can decode immutable to mean “not changeable.” You will
also realize that mutable = “changeable,” mutation = “a change,” and transmute
= “to change from one form to another.”
“An anvil falling on your head would hurt” is one of the immutable laws of


to pierce with a sharp stake or point
The imp paled when we took a spike and impaled the mushroom he was sitting


dead end (think: impassable)
If you are trying to get into a building and your security pass isn’t working, you
have reached an impasse.


without emotion; expressionless
“It looks as if I’ve reached an impasse,” Bart muttered impassively as he
slammed into the brick wall on his skateboard.


flawless and faultless; not capable of sin
Woody is not an impeccable woodpecker; he is always making mistakes.


about to take place (see IMMINENT)
The dwarf cowered behind Snow White, sensing imp-ending doom.

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