Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1
D)  the fear    that    freeze-dried    pets    will    stick   to  the wallpaper.

(Question   Type:   Explicit    Meaning)

5 The author seems to believe that

A)  the difficulties    of  freeze-drying   outweigh    the benefits.
B) the likely outcomes of freeze-drying are unforeseeable at this
C) critics of the freeze-drying process are tainted by their business
D) the goals of freeze-drying are worth striving for.

(Question   Type:   Implicit    Meaning)

6 How does the fourth paragraph of the passage (“Detractors claim . . .

prior   to  death.”)    contribute  to  the author’s    overall argument?
A) It reveals the author’s personal stake in the success of freeze-
drying pets.
B) It demonstrates the author’s inability to decide between pro and
con arguments.
C) It shows that the author has considered both the pros and cons of
freeze-drying pets.
D) It reveals the author’s unstated biases.

(Question   Type:   Structure)

7 McFrackleberry and Furrycorpse offer _____ views toward pet

A) opposing
B) compatible
C) aligned
D) concurrent
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