
(ff) #1

Set your morning alarm for just

60 minutes earlier and find out how

you’ll really be able to rise and shine...



Take small sTeps
The benefiT Taking baby steps
towards fulfilling a life ambition, such
as retraining, writing a book or setting
up your own business, will take it from
a mere pipe dream to reality.
how To do iT ‘Start every day with a
gratitude journal,’ says Louise. ‘Write down
five things you’re grateful for and hone in
on tiny detail. For example, you’re grateful
for new, soft socks to put on. It will lead to
an optimistic mindset, which increases the
likelihood that you’ll take more risks in life.’
Next, break down your goal into realistic
short-term chunks – such
as what needs to be done
in the next three months

  • and write down a couple
    of things you could do each
    day to work towards it.
    ‘That could be research, a
    phone call or studying,’ she says.
    ‘These steps will eventually
    lead you to your goal.’


Make these simple, small changes and you’ll be bright
as a button when the alarm goes off...


Get up immediately The second
your alarm goes off, get up (or leave
your alarm out of reach so you have
to get out of bed to turn it off) to stop you
falling asleep again.


Avoid lie-ins ‘To wake refreshed,
it’s essential to have a fixed
wake-up time seven days a week,’
says sleep expert Dr Neil Stanley
( ‘Your body
and brain start preparing to wake up
90 minutes before you actually do,
so if you have a fixed wake-up time,
they prepare accordingly.’


Resist your smartphone Avoid
checking social media for an
hour after waking up. It will
distract you from being productive.


Several studies
have proven the sleep-inducing
effects of this essential oil.


Eat well Eating too much sugar
and saturated fat and not enough
fibre is associated with lighter, less
restorative and more disrupted sleep.


Prepare for bed ‘To drop off easily,
you need a quiet mind,’ says Dr
Stanley. ‘From 45 minutes before
bed, ban screens and do something that
quietens the mind, such as reading.’


Ditch the wine Alcohol helps
you fall asleep more quickly, but
reduces your restorative REM
sleep, according to a recent study.


o your mornings
start with a fug of
grumpiness and
end with a manic
rush out of the
house, toast in
hand? We’re with you on that – but
it’s time for a rethink! By making
the most of the ‘Power Hour’
you could get fit, meditate away
anxiety, eat a healthy breakfast
or work towards a life ambition.

‘Mornings are a very powerful time
to get things done,’ says personal
growth expert Louise Presley-
Turner ( ‘Our
bodies are rested and our minds
are fresh and ready for a new
direction.’ To prevent that zombie
state every morning, all you need
to do is make small changes to
your sleep routine. Plus, here are
some ideas for how to make the
best of the time you’ll gain.


in one


Boost your
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