Australian Yoga Journal — July 2017

(ff) #1


july 2017


While the elements themselves and what each represents vary from culture to

culture, there are general moods and physical processes associated with each

element across traditions:

EARTHGrounding, calming; keeps ego in check; the energy of bones, muscles,
tissues, and ‘hot’ illnesses, such as infection
FIREBrings confidence and courage; the energy of metabolism, drive, and
creativity; an excess can present as anger or hatred

WATERProvides the ability to adapt, flow, act selflessly, and avoid unhealthy
attachments; rules your blood, other bodily fluids, and ‘cold’ illnesses, such as
joint pain

AIR/WINDA channel for clear communication and self-expression; influences
your ability to act from a place of compassion and love; jealousy occurs when out
of balance
ETHER/SPACEA container for all the other elements; the source of intuition and
wisdom from the universe; associated with magnanimity and expansion

Bring your hands to your heart, one hand on
top of the other. Inhale, breathing from your roots,
and extend your arms out, as though they were branches
extending from your heart. Move your fingers like leaves,
and let your arms move all around you, exploring the air in
all directions. Keep moving in this way for about 2 minutes,
and then return your hands to your heart. Repeat 2 more
times, spreading love through your hands—the physical
extension of your heart chakra.

This sequence draws the energy of earth up through your pelvis—the body part
most closely associated with water in Mayan culture. Start by standing with your
hands in front of your hips, palms up. Then bring your fingertips together at
your heart before reaching overhead in a V shape. Visualise a fountain
of energy and love coming from your heart. Release forward and allow
your arms to flow down like a waterfall until you are in a standing forward
fold, similar to Uttanasana. Repeat this sequence 2 more times, flowing
with your breath and letting go of physical or emotional baggage.
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