Yoga and Total Health — June 2017

(Barré) #1

From the Archives of Yoga and Total Health

Laya Yoga

By H. Sequeira
Published in “Yoga and Total Health”
November 2008

During a dialogue between Shri
Vishnu and Brahma, the topic of
various types of yoga was discussed.
Shri Vishnu tells Brahma that Mantra,
Hatha, Laya, Raja Yoga form part of the

Laya Yoga has taken two directions:

  1. Vedic and the 2) Tantric. The goal of
    both types is to dissolve the lower to the
    higher till the mind itself is dissolved

Laya Yoga forms a pattern as in the
Ashtanga Yoga, with its eight steps of

  • Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama,
    Pratyahara, Dharna, Dhyana and

However, it lays more emphasis
between the various Laya Kriyas /
practices which are wedged in-between
the 6th (Dharna) and the 7th (Dhyana)
steps of Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali.
Laya Yoga is the halfway house between
Hatha and Raja Yoga.

During the long history of yoga,
there have been variants, additions etc.

in Laya Yoga. After the post-classical
period of Patanjali, Hatha Yoga
incorporated these practices of Laya
Yo g a also.

Laya Kriyas
As mentioned above, the Laya Yogins
have wedged their own practices of
concentration into Ashtanga Yoga, sui
generis, which means after one’s own
inventions and discoveries.

Those with Tantric orientation have
created a road map of the Chakras
(psycho-energetic centres), which are
notional ideas of the grid of energy
centres in the body. Symbolically, these
Chakras, situated in the length of the
spine, seven in number traditionally,
represent the microcosms of earth, air,
fire, water and ether, and are dissolved
by a one-pointed concentration.
Then the Tantrics add their own ideas
flamboyantly, adding colour, sound
and so forth at each Chakra as they
go inward. Shri Jnaneshwar in the
Jnaneshwari and Adi Shankaracharya
in the wave of Bliss, write about their
mystic experiences in the realm of
the Chakras and Kundalini through the
practice of Laya Yoga.

One word of caution here: Most
modern writings on the Chakras and
the Kundalini have been trivialized by
irresponsible writers.

Summing up, Goswami highlights in
his book ‘Laya Yoga, a tour de force’,
tracing the fascinating story of Laya
Yo g a from the most ancient times to the
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